In spite of the raging controversy in Nigeria that Pastors divert tithes for their personal use, a South African – based Pastor has proved this wrong by diversifying his sources of income to meet his flamboyant lifestyle.
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri last week bought a N27 million Maserati Levante luxury car to celebrate the birthday of his lovely daughter, Israella.
Popular Bushisri in his Facebook page wrote “I always count myself blessed during this time of the year because I get the honor to celebrate, not only one but two God-given gifts in my life.

“It seems like just yesterday when her little palms held my forefinger. It seems like only a while ago when I celebrated that finally I could lift her up and allow her to rest on my shoulders. It’s been a joy and heavens honor to watch her grow from being a baby to being the strong and brave child that she is today. I count myself blessed because not only did she give me a reason to smile but she gave me the opportunity to be called a Dad,” he noted.
Shepherd Bushiri, a Malawian is ranked as one of the richest pastors in the world and on the list of the richest people in Malawi. He has accumulated his fortune within a short period of 14 years.
Apart from being the founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG), Bushiri is a world-class entrepreneur.
The 40-year-old Bushiri’s net worth is $150 million. Owner of exotic cars and jets, his income comes from Bushiri University of Agriculture in South Africa, real estate, telecommunications, gold mines and evangelism.
A son of Huxley and Cristina Bushiri, he has investments in South Africa, Botswana, Mauritius, Dubai and other African countries.
During a radio interview, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri said that “in his country he has 50% of people who love him and 50% of the population who do not like him. This he said implied that Malawi is not a safe place for his investment.” He also said that he has fewer investments in Malawi because in Malawi does not have the necessary technology to support his business needs.
The prophet narrated that “his birth was mysterious. Bushiri mother refused to accept doctors’ recommendations to have a cesarean birth. Instead she insisted that her child would be born through the normal way. Doctors abandoned the mother and the expected child waiting for them to die. However, when they come back later into the room they found the mother has given birth normally. It is at this time when Christina Bushiri praised God, saying “My God is my Shepherd,” hence the son was named Shepherd Bushi.
From the age of five years strange things started happening to Bushiri. It is said that great light shone in Bushiri’s room. The light amazed his parents and strange occurrences happened. When he was eight years old, the prophet met with God. A man who looked like Jesus gave a small Bible to Shepherd Bushiri and told him was to swallow it. From that time, he started revealing hidden things to parents and people around.
Shepherd Bushiri said at the age of nine God had called him to be a prophet. Bushiri’s followers acknowledge that the prophecies are accurate and precise.